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Old 08-30-2013, 06:18 PM
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Reef Supplies Reef Supplies is offline
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Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
It could just be a coincidence. I mean obviously this vehicle has a known issue and that's why the dealer has extend the warranty coverage. The reason it never had a problem in 6 years is probably because it was babied by you and this young kid with a heavy foot jumps in and took the motor when it had never been before so I do consider both of you lucky! its not anyone in particulars fault per say but who cares,the dealership is covering it.
Since we are on the subject, please keep your records of maintenance on your new vehicle or ask the previous owner for all the documents of service that has been performed on the used vehicle you are about to purchase cause you never know when it's gonna come in handy. Its not a must for brand name specific dealership service, any midas, mr lube or joes mechanic will be fine but it does help if your vehicle is serviced at the dealership, it makes it easier for them to justify the goodwill they are extending to you.

Nicely done reef supplies! Maybe you should extend some good fortune in discounted prices to us. just kidding.
Yupp, ALWAYS keep your documents of never know!

We will have a crazy crazy RO filter sale soon...very soon :-)

Originally Posted by Skimmer King View Post
u just did a great PAY IT FORWARD. well done man.
Least I could do for the guy...and again, I saved my a$$ as well.

Originally Posted by damtrees420 View Post
sucks when it happens to you buddy bought a motorhome started driving it home 2 hours later the engin went and he wasnt even close to home so had a pricy tow bill to add to it
That sucks!
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