Having recently dismantled a 10' tank a couple of suggestions.
Get a few more of the suction cups, I rented them from Rodgers Rent-All. There is a few websites that have glass weight calculators. You'll be surprised how heavy each panel is!
Piano wire works, but I found the best tool was a body filler (bondo) applicator (the steel ones) they are thin and flexible. Also take several putty knives. As you are working, leaving one in helps wedge the glass enough to make working with the other tools easier. Take your time and when you find a spot where it's too tight, move somewhere else. Eventually the tension will relax at trouble spots.
There are two products I found very usefull, Dap silicone remover, and a product called Remov-It. Tough to find, but this significantly softened the silicone when applied a few hours before.
Definitely build a frame for transport, you don't want to move the sheets flat!
Bring a hacksaw for any hard glued plumbing and big channel-lock pliers for bulkheads.
Have fun!