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Old 08-30-2013, 04:29 AM
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lockrookie lockrookie is offline
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Default Suggestions wanted on dismantling a 900g ish tank

Lol got your attention.. I have been idle the past while lots going on in my life but tomorrow I am going to be looking at a tank for a lfs that we are going to dismantle and move for future endeavour. I can't say much about it but it is a 12'x 4' tank can't remember the height and a few of you had monster tanks and I am curious as to what tools made the job easier

I have access to suction cups and a crew and as most know have taken numerous small tanks apart for repurposing but this is and may very well be the largest ends our I will ever take on. At this time it's undecided as to what will be its future but we have to move it from its current location.

Any hints or tips are welcomed
Desperately seeking serenity ...
180g custom build

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