So its is time to sell the tank i love the hobbie but just dont have time to really enjoy it. New baby and wife's buisness is taking off so i just don't have the time anymore. I want to sell it as a entire setup i am not interested in breaking things up at the moment. Tank is very stable and healthy been running for almost 2 years. All live stock is healthy and thriving. Equipment always maintained and cared for
So system goes like this:
Rsm 250 black
Reef Keeper light
2x MP10 WES
Eco Chiller
Tunze ATO
Giesmann bulbs just changed
New in box Marine Color Triple dosing pump
Lots of Elos test kits
Cleaning equipment
Vertex 100 Gpd RODI ( best system on the market)
Water change buckets
Brute can
55 lbs Fiji rock Clean no pest
4 rose bubble tip nems started as 1 keeps splitting

large galaxy colony
large zoo colony
2 x clowns
1 solar wrasse
1 diamond head goby
1 bi color blenny ( tanks boss)
2 x cleaner shrimp
1 brittle star
1 tuxedo urchin
80 lbs sand
various snails ect..
I am sure there are more smaller items that i have missed but as you can see its a turn key set up. Invested over 5K in this asking $2500 don't bother low balling me you'll just be wasting time. My loss your gain. If you are in the Vancouver area i might be able help you with the move depending on schedules ect and if your polite and friendly not a knob lol.
Any questions feel free to drop and line
Alex 778 238 7667
pics to follow