I've been in their shoes and it can be stressful and unforgiving and it is a volunteer position but we also have to remember this board has been around for over a dozen years and to have the same people in it modding and admining the board for that many years takes dedication and dare I say a certain amount of love to do what they have done.
This is one of the premiere boards on the net for info and I didn't come here to buy and sell I came to learn and that is what I have done. I. If you wanna bitch moan and whine by all means please join RC, Nano-reef, AA. You will be in nirvana then people go there to name call, whine and moan because they know mods and admins will not do much there.
The admins and mods have my full support on Canreef I will stand behind them all the way
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....