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Old 08-27-2013, 05:46 PM
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TimT TimT is offline
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Location: Courtenay, BC
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Clams are not banned in Canada but they are regulated on a couple different levels.

First, all clams are CITES appendix 2 so they require a CITES permit from the exporting country/country of origin.

As of early this year the CFIA is now involved in the importation process of live animals for our hobby. Here is a link to the list of regulated animals.

Any animal on this list requires an Import Permit to be issued by the CFIA. CFIA can choose to inspect the shipment upon arrival. If the mortality of the incoming shipment is too high CFIA can destroy the whole shipment. Thus Maxima and Crocea clams are now riskier to import.

For an importer to bring in a shipment of maxima or crocea clams they need the following; CITES permit from country of origin, Import Permit from CFIA, Canada must have a negotiated trade agreement in place with the country of origin and there must be no disease outbreaks in that country.

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