Originally Posted by lastlight
Your coral growth looks amazing! Wish you could white-balance your latest round of shots so we had a better idea of coloration. It's still evident that the corals are looking pretty!
Thanks Brett! I just figured out how to adjust the WB on my D5100 last night. I can't wait to take some proper pictures.
Originally Posted by kien
wow. Looking stellar Wayne!
Thanks! Now for a lesson in photography?
Originally Posted by tang daddy
This journal needs some love, great job Wayne!
Nice healthy sps, there's a colony of green acro with red tips do you know the name of the sps?( pic is above the chalice)
Strawberry Shortcake (no clue on the scientific name)... Love it though. As it turns out, it really likes lower light. I've seen amazing growth and color compared to having it up high.