Thanks Reefwars,
I have been reading and it confrimes everything you said. I am fortunately I have a small tanks. It does have sand which I was wondering about. I thought maybe it should go. Which is what you have confirmed. I will go to a refractometer. The display tank will be cleared of all fish and will have some leathers, a couple peppermint shimp and a few crabs. I will not do the hypo on that tank. just leave fowl. I will keep skimmer etc running. And leave live rock there. But maybe as you suggested cycle some into the hypo tank. But some have leathers and palyp attached so I cannot move those as I understand they will not survive. Looking like one clown may have some cryst now. Still healthy and eatting but just confirms that the ICH life cycles is alive and well.
Got to go through this because otherwise likely never be able to keep any fish.