Originally Posted by michika
That is a clean and shiny sump you have there!
I don't know how to convert mS to SG for salinity..but your other parameters look good for livestock. I don't think low dKH (not saying you have low levels) would impact zoas at all.
I do like the brine shrimp idea though.
It's basically a hair shy of 1.026. I am planning to add a tiny bit of salt but I wanted to see if more leeched out of the LR I bought from Pieces. I might leave it be too because I am planning a partial w.c. this weekend.
Well I'll see how the zoas do before I go too crazy. Might also get a couple blue chromis or possibly damsels to see if I can get a little ammonia. Just want to make sure the tank cycle is established before I invest too much in coral.