Thanks for all your responses!
ScubaSteve: I've already noticed improvement in my tank. Way less new growth of algae and when I manually remove and scrape my back glass, it takes much longer for it to re-appear, but so far it still does. I've noticed a dramatic reduction in my dino's as well so I'm going to continue increasing my dosage .5 ml/week for the foreseeable future. When I do increase I usually bump it up .3ml for 3 days then another .2 ml after that for the next 3 days. I figured the increase wouldn't be as dramatic as a .5ml - maybe it doesn't matter.
Another question for you Tim:
Do you have a link or anything to where you got info for doing all 3?
From my understanding dosing the VSV is better because you are diversifying the strains of bacteria, is that right?
IF you don't have a link, would you care to share your recipe, thoughts, dosage etc?