I love my job..I love my job
I sometimes have to keep saying that to myself LOL. Look at this conversation with a client, you tell me if this is normal...heck maybe I'm too sensitive!
Us Aug 16
Hello and thank you for your order!
The Koralia 750 has been replaced by the 850 and we only have one 750 left in-stock. We are not getting any more. I can do 1 of three things for you
1- Remove 1 and refund the difference
2- Upgrade one 750 for an 850 and bill you for the difference
3- replace both 750's for 850's and bill you for the difference.
Please advise
Client same day
please replace both for 850's.
Us, same day
Done, you should have a Paypal request in your inbox. If you do not have a PP account you choose to pay via CC.
thank you
Us, Aug 18
Your order is still here because we have not received payment yet. Would you still like to proceed?
thank you
Client, Aug 20
Are you fraud or what? you already charged my F*****g credit card and also you don't send my package.
Us, same day
Your language is uncalled for. The 850's cost more than the 750's so the Paypal request is for the DIFFERENCE.
I will have accounting refund your purchase and cancel your order first thing in the morning.
Client, same day
F**k you
I have been running my own business for 20+ years and I have never seen anything like this! Seeesh!