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Old 08-20-2013, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Prariecanuck View Post
I looked at lots of sites and did lots of math and they all came in at 9mm with a safety factor over 4 and that was just euro braced without any cross braces which ill be adding too. Now I know the net isn't always right but the glass is already ordered so ill water test outside and hope for the best. I could also do a metal angle brace around the outside at the top if it looks like ill need too. Thanks for the info but I guess we will see if it works or not. Here's hoping it dose😓
I've seen worse hold water just fine. The issue really comes down to the seams, only 9mm of contact combined a large bending moment from the span means they'll be stressed to the limit. Will work fine for a while but in time who knows, might be good but might not. If professional builders done't take that kind of risk then a DIY'r really shouldn't either. But that's just my FYI for ya. Looking forward to seeing this one come together... and hopefully staying that way
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