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Old 08-20-2013, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
a pair radion pros for the display and 4 bulb tek light t5HO for the frag tank , the frag tank is 72 x 20 x 14"h and the light is pretty much 6" awl

honestly the colors in my display are horrid, drab and makes me puke....i think im done with leds by them selves,and am looking into the ati hybrid as a replacement.
Yah I have never seen colours on a tank that come anywhere close to what you seem to be able to get with T5s. I'm trying to find it in the thread, but do the systems share the same water? A little part in the back of my mind had always wondered if the differences I see in my tank compared to some T5 tanks was because of a the nutrient regime, but if you've got two frags of the same species, one under T5s, one under LEDs, but sharing the exact same water and you're seeing those kinds of differences... you're making a pretty compelling case for T5s lol.
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