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Old 08-20-2013, 09:10 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Trevor W View Post
Holy frag tank Batman,...err I mean Denny.

Great pics thanks for sharing! The colour progression of those frags in just one months is awesome.

2 weeks actually :P

thanks buddy finally sps is doing good for me , my dislay kills or browns them out immediately , cant figure out why , my fragtank on the other hand is growing zoos at a rate ive never had before and sps is full color and growing fast , ive had my poker star montis encrust the plugs they are on in a week and go from a brown blob to the nice rainbow color they are now , within a few weeks they should be neon green only with a blue base

flow rate in the frag tank is:

7 x koralia 1400's
2 x koralia 1050's
mag 7 return pump

so lots of flow and lots of light , i also dont feed this skimmer either' natural but do run a fuge with cheato and lots of liverock

currently using zeovit amino acids
zeovit sponge power
zeovit coral vitalizer
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