I see posts on people adding this and that for their problems and right away I think in my head it's another mad chemist on a rampage.... I am not meaning this in a bad way.
Alot of good advise and knowledge from fellow hobbyist on here, different corals prefer different water params. It is quite normal for green star polyps to close up for a couple days. One thing to keep in mind here is that most softie corals, ones without skeletons prefer nutrient rich water, ie dirtier water. Although fish and sps coral require the opposite. Finding the balance is the hard part, I have been in the hobby for quite sometime and still make mistakes from time to time.
Most people with successfull fish take time to qt, but the rest of us don't have the space or time so we just acclimate and toss in. Adding fish is risky business and if the stressed fish is introduced, most times it will bring ich to your tank which stresses out all your other fish. At times adding fish can screw up all the inhabitants, I've seen this happen in a few friends tanks.
I would hold of on adding any more fish for a couple weeks to months. If you're going to add fish make sure to read about their requirements first as they may not be reef suitable and also harm your other fish, also picky eaters are not a good choice. A fish that eats readily will survive, most of my picky fish perished over time from being to slow to eat.
Having abit of phosphates and nitrates in your tank won't hurt your fish or soft coral, having your tank too clean will starve the softies, again it's a balance so go slow and try not to change everything at once.
Always looking for the next best coral...
90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips