Originally Posted by Prariecanuck
The desk portion will be same level as the bottom of the tank so behind the laptop will be tank and on the one side viewing will be the rest if the sides except the 7 foot side that'll be the back.
Glass thickness will be 9mm braced like crazy euro style with a couple cross braces too garf site said I coul use 6mm because of the 18inch depth
Keep in mind that calculator bases thickness on height alone so regardless what you put in whether it's 24" or 96" it spits out the same thickness which isn't correct as it's only accounting for pressure and not bending stress at the seams. Personally I believe 9/10mm is tad light for a 7' span, even at 18" high. It costs nothing to get a quote from a tank builder which will probably tell you what thickness the glass would be, there's even a few around here that I'm sure would gladly tell you what the proper thickness is.