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Old 08-20-2013, 07:13 PM
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Simons Simons is offline
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yes frustrating for sure. Like you, I have been keeping fish for a long time (over a decade) in my 100G planted tank. I did almost a year of research and reading while my basement was being developed because I knew I wanted a large saltwater tank.

I think everyone hear has pointed out that SLOW and steady wins the race with saltwater tanks. Unlike freshwater, parameters usually do not change quickly but if they do (even 'good' changes) can still lead to crashes.

First off, GFO and Carbon for a 'new' saltwater aquarium is essential (IMHO), not only does the carbon polish the water, keeping it clear and not yellow, it removes significant amounts of unwanted waste products. Good GFO reactor does the same with phosphates which is a significant contributing factor to most algae outbreaks. I would say in your case, because you started with tap water, it would be a requirement, not an option.

As others have pointed out, you can get RO water from many suppliers that is fairly cheap. This way you KNOW your not putting additional phosphates and minerals into your water column.

I would hold off on any other corals until you can get a handle on your RO water situation, I don't think they will do well.

Remember slow and steady just like the others have indicated, in reality I do not like adding ANY chemicals to my water. If it isn't in my carbon or GFO reactors it isn't in my tank. Keeping corals will require dosing at some point but I wouldn't even dream of starting that in your tank until you get a handle on your water.

Remember, in saltwater we don't "keep coral's and animals" we keep WATER. It's the only thing that matters.

Can you post a detailed description of ALL your equipment? It will help with nailing down where some quick assistance may be required.
130 Gal Community Planted Tank and a 250Gal Peninsula FOWLR
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