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Old 08-20-2013, 02:01 PM
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daplatapus daplatapus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Port Alberni, B.C.
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daplatapus is on a distinguished road

Well, finally got to breaking out the wet saw last night. I want to create a bit of a rock wall on the left side so you can't see into the overflow box on the left side. But I'd like it to take as little room as possible. So I cut some Marco rock in half and I'll be mounting them somehow to the side panel. Right now I'm thinking I'll be siliconing them right to the glass. The only draw back is trying to remove them if need be in the future. But it seems like everything I've seen with builds that are using eggcrate to build their walls, they silicone that to the rock wall anyway, so no real difference.

I've probably got a couple pieces too many for the 24" X 29" wall I want to do, but I was debating creating a similar style rock pillar on the right 1/3 of the tank against the back wall with a couple protruding shelves. But I want to see how this turns out before I cut the remaining pieces I have.

I also have some pre-finished birch plywood on the way to build some of my cabinet components. I've decided not to put doors on the bottom cabinet inside the stand (where you see the 2 squares). Because the stand is fairly deep, I'm worried things will get shoved in there, never to be seen again, or the space wasted. So I'll be building 2 boxes out of this pre-finished plywood, then slipping them into those 2 squares. Then using Blum cabinet hardware, I'll be making 2 deep drawers per box and have drawers there instead of doors. That way we can make use of the entire storage capacity there for whatever.
The space on the left of the stand is still going to have a full height cabinet to hide the overflow, WP & MP controllers, LED controller and tools for the tank. And a 16" high canopy is going to be sitting on top of the tank to mount my LED rails and prevent light spillage and hopefully contain any wrasses that go in there.
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