Originally Posted by geweagle
Light is a cost only issue. It was a reasonable option for the cost. Spending $1000 + was just out of the question. I think if the phosphate was under control I would not have had the alge outbreak.
When you said the name of the model of light you have it sounded like a grow light vs. an aquarium light. The bottom line is that grow lights, or anything in that wavelength, are going to do what they are designed to: grow plants.
Originally Posted by geweagle
Would have been nice if I was warned about the butterfly fish and the trouble anemones can be. When I read threads it is mixed.
I'm afraid that one's on you. The responsibility to know the exact details of the livestock you purchase is solely on you. Checking out a few threads on the ones you want to purchase simply isn't enough. As for anemones, every description I've seen for them says be careful they don't get sucked into your intakes.
Just saying that you're suffering a mix of inexperience, incomplete information, and a couple of less than ideal choices. Marine aquariums are expensive, that is a sad fact. Persistence is the key to anything good in life, if it's in you to keep trying then this can be a very rewarding hobby. Keep educating yourself and heed the advice that experienced people like reefwars, aquattro, kien, etc.