i think it was a bit to much too fast saltwater is about slow changes so they are not noticable to your live stock , i agree starting with LC was a bad idea as well.
fact is this is easily fixable by simply stop spending and let your tank stabilize , do your reg water changes and do not feed the tank , if you have fish left throw them some pellets every other day but thats it.
turn your lights back to just 4-5hrs a day.
and thats it go have some fun dont but buy any livestock pretend your tank doesnt exist it doesnt need us in it and changing things every other day remeber alot of what your trying to keep is delicate. if you come back to your tank in a month to a month and a half this will resolve its self if you take care of a couple of things now.
run some carbon , do a large water change to correct whats wrong now and then let it stabilize.
for every action is a reaction they arnt always immediate and so they tend to snowball slowly in the first few months.
test your water or bring to a lfs
theres def a couple of things that will help your journey like a decent skimmer,powerheads and quality salt etc.
i know youve spent a bunch on the hobby but i run a couple tanks that are basic as it gets , no fish,reg water changes and no skimmer,expensive powerheads etc. it can be done you just have to pace yourself a bit more and add less overall to your system unless its absolutely needed.
do a water test once every week or two to get an idea whats happening but if i were you i would set my tank in crusie control and come back to see it in a month.
post your questions here , we are all very knowlegeable and are the poeple you should be asking for advice...were not selling you anything