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Old 08-19-2013, 01:28 AM
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darkreef darkreef is offline
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Default Help on zoa's not opening

i am thinking flow.. blew off all the rocks everyday and this is the only coral thats getting a build up of detris and goo. my other zoa's are doing wonderful.

i only have 2 T5's on my tank ( upgrading lighting system tonight!)
did a water change and cleaning yesterday usually when he gets like this he will open after a water change but now my (think there mohawks) are not blooming and hard to feed!

ps. water is fine..

Tank crew : Fire shrimp , mandarin Dragnet , Dwarf Zebra Lionfish
Clean up : 7 turbo's , 2 green emerald crabs , 2 hermits , 10000X bristle worms
chocolate chip star fish (sump)
Coral : Devils Leather , sunny d's , Mohawks , Candy apples , 3 hitch hiker zoa's , a hitchhiker mushroom and a few feather dusters

feeding : brine shrimp and mysis , phytoplankton

ph : 8.0
ammonia :0
nitrates : 0
Nitrites : .5

few weeks of having it!

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