Hello again all,
I have been away from the reefing scene for a few years now. I had a beautiful macro algae tank going that I was very very proud of. Then I got pregnant and started having kids.
I have 2 kids now, my youngest is 8 months old. Adjusting to new life as a parent has meant re- arranging my time for other things more important. My tank has gone through some negative changes partly neglect and partly from grape calupera taking over and killing everything off. I spent a lot of time and money trying to "fix" my tank. Nothing was working.
I gave up on it.
I am on a 3 month across Canada vacation now and the person taking care of my tank via top offs has told me that all 4 bulbs have gone on my tank. I am still 8 more sleeps from being home.
The last time I saw my tank I still had a few hermit crabs and snails alive and it was a huge disgusting mess of algae of all sorts.
My plan when I get home now is to tear the whole thing apart. Order new bulbs, sand, rock and give everything a very good clean with vinegar and water. I am going to start pretty much from scratch but with the same lighting, skimmer, tank, etc
I still love macro algae and plan on adding it to my system again but only some very select varieties. NO MORE CALPURA it looks pretty but it killed my tank so NEVER AGAIN!
My tank is 28 gallons and 36" long. I love this tank and I cant wait to get it started again