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Old 08-18-2013, 09:13 PM
rickcasa rickcasa is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Toronto
Posts: 42
rickcasa is on a distinguished road

Once the bully ever since he was acquired, my Humbug damsel had shown a very unique turn about. He would be a defender of bullying that he was once champion to protect newly introduced fish. I first observed this with a Clarkii he saved from being torn to shreds by a spawning percula pair. He would literally get in the way of an attack and stay on his guard in the corner where the Clarkii found refuge. It happened 4 other tines with a purple Firefish, another clarkii, and a yellow tang he protected from a much bigger purple tang.
But alas, having moved him and all my fish into the bigger 180, he's reverted back to being a bully and harasses anyone new.
"The Cavernous Reef" - 180g RC Build In-Progress: Miracles (72x24x24) 3-Sided Starphire; 2X exterior overflows; closed loop w Speedwave 1320; SRO 3000int; Speedwave 2640 return; Aquatronica controller with 3x dosing pumps; 2X Maxspect Razor 160w; 2X MP40wes, 2X MP20; 54" acrylic sump with ATS. Corner 90g Reef.
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