Originally Posted by reefwars
Start With water chemistry first before giving extra light What's your tank specs and water parameters?
Ime not an overly demanding coral with light or flow, it does look in the pic to be shrunlen in smd skelaton showing just a Tad should be more thicker fleshed , like you mentioned its green has faded away but will come back 
My tank is a 46 gallon 20" depth with 2 t5ho 10k and 20k bulb
Unfortunately no sump
40lb live rock
reef octopus HOB skimmer
Not much live stock yet, currently I have the following:
1 clown
1 cleaner shrimp
1 branched hammer coral
1 bubble coral
5 lps/zoa frags
Water parameters that I can measure are:
0, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate
420 ppm Calcium
7dKH Alkalinity
7.8 PH
Previously I was only using the regular instant ocean salt, to raise calcium/alk I was dosing using a two part calcium/alkalinity solution.
I recently switched to a proper reef salt (seachem salinity) and dosing the two part solution as needed. I do a 20 percent water change every two weeks.