August Update!
I have been starting to grow an addiction to Zoa's...Reef Wonderland has not helped this new addiction because Angus is bringing in some awesome frags.
I haven't noticed them growing much yet but I do notice they have really started to get deeper colours under my LED's. Its only a matter of time before they start to spread like wildfire. Currently have 11 different zoa frags in my tank. Few of them are mixed so 2-3 different types on the same plug.
Picture time! (Sorry its an Iphone..)
Also have some bubble tips which my clowns are now hosting.
Of course because you cant post pictures will a FTS. Still fighting some Cyno but its starting to clear up, might do a chemi clean soon to just get it over with.
Don't think I will be getting to many more frags for a while as my wife and I have just had our first baby on July 28th. So water changes and upkeep for a while only. That's ok though as it lets us watch the color we have start to grow out