Originally Posted by kien
Remember that you are mixing Sodium Bicarbonate (Soda ash) with water to make your alk solution, so although it will tend to raise the pH of your tank, it should not raise it to unreasonable values. Certainly not to a pH of 10 ! :-)
If you dose a bit at a time the pH spikes should not be an issue. I have a doser that doses a little bit, 8 times a day. Are you just dumping in the alk solution once a day? How much per dose?
I'm using Marine Magic Triple Doser. I dose Ca and KH 10 times a day and Mg at twice a day. I checked my water last SAT when all lights were off and they were at Ca 380ppm, KH 7.7dKH and Mg 1180ppm. My Mg is usually low but all corals are doing fine, so I don't change a dosing rate. I only have a very old pH test kit, so I have not checked yet. Again my corals are doing fine, so I don't think pH level is not critical condition.