My neighbor is away for the weekend - we own a duplex (both sides)
My wife sees a guy smokin' in our back yard and calls me
By the time I get there, I hear foot-steps on my neighbors (tenants's) back deck
When I get out there, there's 2 guys, and they want to talk about the car I have under a tarp
I don't give a crap why you are there ... You Are Trespassing

I have a front door and I don't trust you - Beat It
I don't care what car restoration company you run, and I'm sure as hell not going to talk to you about my car.
You should approach people through proper channels with either a note through the mailbox, or a front door approach
Get Off My Property NOW
Why do people think it's OK to cut through your yard, or go into your yard to look at your car under a tarp, and then not expect a hostile response

, especially when I'm still on my first/second coffee
Stay the hell off my property

Geez, if this was the USA, I'd be totin'