A bit of progress. Got the tank water test finished, just emptied it on Friday. With all the evap the level went down about 6" and the wave in there was quite large. There's no doubt in my mind now as to the strength of the new eurobrace. Drained it out, cleaned it up a bit and got the back and 1 side painted and drilled my overflow holes.
I also went into Van a couple weeks ago and got my sand and a box of Marco rock to build my side rock wall and hopefully a half pillar that will go up against the glass on the back to kind of split the back of the tank in 1/3 - 2/3. I'll be cutting the rock with my 12" DeWalt wet saw so it'll all be nice and flat against the glass. I'm debating wether I should build it on eggcrate like I've seen people do or silicone it directly to the back wall....
Any thoughts?