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Old 08-03-2013, 01:44 AM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
peppermint shrimp will eat berghia but I don't think cleaner will do that. Anyway berghias only come out at night in total darkness and the shrimp are sleeping usually at night so they don't really interfear with each other.

I bought 5 berghia put them in my 75 gallons and never saw them again. Still have tons of aiptasia but seem some are disapearing from time to time so I am guessing that some berghias are still alive.

Don't put them near any aiptasia as the aiptasia will eat the berghia if they can touch it. Don't ever handle berghia with your hand, you need a large pipette to sort of suck it in the pipette than push it out with the flow. They are very fragile. don't put them near any pump in or strong flow.

Acclimation should be minimum of 3 to 4 hours with drip.

If you add only 3, your chances of them breeding and multiplying are very small. 5 will be more likely. They are freeking expensive and really not that efficient. I still have tons of aiptasias after a few months of having put 5 berghias in my tank. I have nothing that will eat them either. No wrasse either.
Don't give up hope yet, I added 8 berghia to my 90 gallon when I had 40 to 50 berghia in the display ,and a bunch in the sump as well. After 3 months it was only getting worse , I must have had 80 to 100 berghia in my display. Then a couple weeks later they quickly started to disappear , two weeks after that they were all gone. I've read that its the babies that are the real ferocious eaters. I would check every couple nights with a flashlight when the lights were out, and never saw a single berghia for the first three months. I had completely given up on them , finally one night I spotted three at once and couldn't believe it lol.
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