Hey John, great update and i love the pictures. One thing I want to mention about the paleness of your sps is it might not just be you over feeding. I have always believe in feeding, because of my laziness I do it mostly through broadcast and with the amount of fish that I have they also get an alternative "feeding", plus i dose coral aminos when I see some of the more sensitive species becoming "unhappy". if I were you I probably start by checking the 3 parameters and make sure they are in check then move on to phosphate and nitrate. If everything checks out good then I would inspect them for pests, a quick dip or flash light at night will reveal some telltale signs of either red bug or aefw bite marks. Let's just say you are pest free, the third step will be feeding your corals and or dose some sps amino acid to see how they react. Most of the time some amino acid once a week will do wonders for those sticks. Anyways kee up the good work and I'll see you at the frag swap.