After 1 year of letting the sandbed mature and another year of unsuccessfully getting a reliable supply of sandbed critters, I'm changing direction and going with the Zeovit method.
I've removed the sand, changed over the dart pumps to Speedwave.
I bought a few Mitras but wasn't completely happy with the spread. I would probably have to go with 6 units to cover the tank properly.
As luck would have it, the old Aquamedic fixture over my freshwater Amazon tank burnt up (literally) so I put 2 of the Mitras over that.
I purchased 2 4' ATI LED/T5 powermodules and got them up and lit this past weekend. I also purchased 100 lbs of fresh live rock that you can see in the tank now and I'm treating my old 400 lbs of live rock to a bleach then acid water bath over the next few weeks. The old live rock is probably about 15 years old now and full of junk.