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Old 07-29-2013, 06:54 PM
Antrias Antrias is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Red Deer
Posts: 55
Antrias is on a distinguished road

I'll give them some time - my anemone is also completely hidden - he jammed himself between rocks. Also go the interior of my stand water proofed. It seemed worked out good actually just taking some clear drying silicone and painted a coat of that on - cant even tell it's there.

Now I'm on a hunt for a good yet cheap protein skimmer to throw underneath and I'm ordering a new nozzle for the return line form the sump:

My self made PVC one is ugly and can't direct the flow at all.

Sometime in the future (probably sooner than alter) I'll build / find a case for the heatsink to go in so that it looks a bit nicer - and so the dimmers have a spot to go

as well a case for the PSU to go in so that it's not sitting on my sub woofer and can get proper cooling

As well Thanks Grizz for some input
27gal Reef
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