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Old 07-27-2013, 09:06 PM
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balistidae balistidae is offline
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Default Chipped Corner Concern (60g Cube)

I have recently aquired a 60g cube with a chipped corner. I am curious to hear what people think about the condition of the corner. Google has returned mixed opinions, and I am not too sure what to think myself.

The tank is a 60g cube. The front 3 sides are all starphire and the rear pane is just standard glass and appears the only panel that is damaged.

I originally planned on just applying quite a bit of extra silicone to the corner on the inide since it would all be covered by the sand. As well as a light coat on the outside to keep the glass from flaking off. I am now contemplating getting the back pane replaced but it seems like it may not be cost effective.

Thank you for any input!!

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