Originally Posted by FishyFishy!
DROOL as always!!!!!!!!!!! I love your tank from the FTS view. Really puts that amazing scape into perspective.
Thanks! I do like the full room FTS. It does put the tank into perspective as you said.
Originally Posted by Zoaelite
Is the Red Gonioporia in the bottom left the one I gave your way a year or so ago? If so HOLY SMOKES is it looking good  (same with the rest of the tank)!
Yes and No. Yes, I still have the Red Goni that you gave me, probably closer to 3 years ago now. Time flies! It has been doing quite well, despite the abuse it has gotten over the years. No, it is not the red mass on the left, it is the red mass on the right

The red mass on the left is my RBTA.
Originally Posted by Dez
Nice pics Kien. Now you just need to bring that poster board to Edmonton when you and Brett visit next month and take some FTSs for me. It's tough to take good FTSs with a 2 side viewable tank.
Thanks. And ya, I know you understand my FTS plight. Photographing room dividers is tough! #FirstWorldReefingProblems. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to Edmonton with Brett in August

Our plans have changed and I will now be suffering in a different way on that weekend that we were originally planning to be in Edmonton for the marathon.
Originally Posted by lastlight
if you can find something to hang the sheet on so it's not right up against the glass the wrinkles will be much less noticeable i think.
Actually, I did try that. I hung the backdrop on my backdrop hanger/rod and moved it away from the tank. All that did was render the background BLACK. Or Navy-Blue-Almost-Black.
Originally Posted by JDigital
Or learn how to use an Iron....  If your tiny hands can lift it.
That sounds like a lot of work.. And for the record, they make mini-irons. Trust me, I know..
Originally Posted by Rice Reef
Kien, great pics again! Man, the coral growth are really taking off and by the way, thank you for sharing your FTS.  I like that shot of the brown sps with the new growth! Shows that one can't always judge the book by its cover.
I am also a big fan of top down shots! The coloareas the corals are much more vibrant! Can your lights swing from side to side so that you can minimize the light reflection? Wonder if a polarizar will work? Anyways, keep up the good work and again thank you for sharing and inspiring everyone!
Thanks! It definitely isn't all rainbows and Unicorns in my tank. I've got a few Brownaporas hanging out in my reef. Even a few colonies and frags teatering on the edge of life and death. But, as you said, you can't judge by just what you see on the outside. You have to give them a chance. I've even had colonies go completely bleached-white while still hanging onto their polyps! Then slowly regain colour. Never give up, never surrender! I usually call it quits on them if they start growing algae though.
The lights do slide from side to side but only so far as the width of the conopy since the lights sit right on the canopy.