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Old 07-24-2013, 03:01 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
sorry to hear of your wrasse's demise. i'd definitely put drain guards on your herbie lines to prevent a repeat of that. on the plus side i'm not hearing anymore talk of selling this tank which is great to hear (or not hear i guess).
I wouldn`t say its not for sale.. I'm just not actively bumping the thread because all I got was requests to part out which I refuse to do. Nothing seems to be going my way with this tank so if someone comes along with the $750 I am asking for it (minus GHL and Vortechs) I`d sell, but if I`m only going to get requests to part out a currently running system it`s not worth the effort.

I will definitely be looking for a bulk head strainer in the coming days.

It`s sort of ironic... ever since I accidentally made this slightly larger gap in my overflow teeth I have been thinking "I really hope a fish doesn't go through there" while the whole time thinking that if one of my fish did decide to go on an adventure it would likely be the wrasse that actually DID. It's like I could see into the future man.
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

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