Originally Posted by Jeff000
Under the foot of the post, instead of the 2x6 he has.
I never said his 2x6 will transfer the weight to the large piece of wood he is using.
I simply said the wood and the 1/4" steel would displace the weight to a similar footprint. There will probably be some compression of the 2x6 if that wall is actually taking much weight at all, but once it does a slight turn of the jack will fix that right up.
A single stub wall in the center will carry the weight just fine. A closet in that spot would be great too.
But at the same time, nothing at all would probably never have an issue too. But a little over engineering is seldom a bad thing.
Maybe we're not getting the same impression from his photos
I see a small piece of plywood under his jack post. If it's larger, that would explain me talking about a larger plate of steel
If it's a length of 2x6, it's still not sufficient. Either way it will compress and would be better suited with something to spread the load out farther, away from the post, to alleviate any stress on the floor directly under the post
I agree with you saying he could just adjust the post as the wood compresses, but that's not a 'safe' method. As I said, the wood could also split, and then the whole thing is useless
I'm unclear with your statement;
"I simply said the wood and the 1/4" steel would displace the weight to a similar footprint"
I was talking about placing a large plate of steel under the jack post to spread out the load. I never mentioned any wood in my idea
What do you mean ?