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Old 07-21-2013, 02:28 AM
SleepyPirate SleepyPirate is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Calgary Alberta
Posts: 73
SleepyPirate is on a distinguished road
Unhappy Engineer Goby, Anyone with QT Tank in SE Calgary?

I have an engineer goby he looks like hes shedding so im assuming something bad is wrong and he needs a QT tank right away. I dont have one and no longer have a sand bed as of today so if anyone who has a QT tank wants to take on this guy you can have him for free hes about 6-7" long and about 2 years old.

Must have a QT tank and a sand bed for him when/if he recovers.

PM if interested, looks pretty stressed out since i removed sand bed today so if he makes it through the night hes yours.
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