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Old 07-20-2013, 11:17 PM
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Default Im sooooo done with CUBA!

We just got back from a wonderful 1 week stay at the iberostar laguna azul in Varadero. We went down with my wife's family, we were a group of 8. Good times were had by all.

So why am i done? Every freaken time I get back into Canada its seems that my body goes trough some sort of detox and shuts the heck down. We got back on Monday and I'm finally staring to feel better. I've had 4 days of fever, sinus congestion and the worst morning sickness ever (no I'm not expecting lol). I had 2 bowls of soup in 4 days! Today was the first day that I was able to keep some solids down.

This has happen 3 out of the 5 times I've been there. This is the LAST time!

Next year.. ITALY!

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