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Old 07-20-2013, 03:14 PM
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daplatapus daplatapus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Port Alberni, B.C.
Posts: 1,315
daplatapus is on a distinguished road

Well, the tank is still full of water, even with all the waves
Got the back of the tank painted last night and this morning. Man it takes a lot of paint to cover 6' of tank, lol. I'm still waiting on a 1 3/4" hole bit for my 1" bulkhead so until that gets drilled the tank is staying where it is. Hopefully see it this week. Heading out on a 3 day backpacking trip to Della Falls next weekend so not much will happen now on it until Aug
Picking up the wife on Wed from Van (she went and visited family and friends in Canmore) so I get to pick up all my sand and dryrock from J&L for my rock wall. Slowly seeing progress.

Last edited by daplatapus; 07-20-2013 at 03:17 PM.
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