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Old 07-18-2013, 02:47 PM
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Looks like DIY skimmer to me also. Nothing wrong with that, other than it may take some tweaking to get it dialed in. Certainly worth experimenting a bit before spending a bunch more $$$s on something new. I have an HOB DIY wooden air diffuser driven skimmer that came with my tank & it's been doing the job for 6 years. Old tech, but works fine. I had to do a couple of mods to improve the performance & add features though.

Does the pump provide both flow thru the skimmer & produce bubbles, i.e. needle wheel or something similar? Looks like the pump is in a collection box in the display? Is the flow from the pump adjustable?

One thing you can do right off the top is drill a hole into the collection cup & add a drain that you can direct to a larger container like a bucket. This will eliminate the need to empty the cup every day & minimize the damage if it overflows when you happen to be out.

I don't see a valve on the return line from skimmer back to tank. Plumbing one in there will give you increased control of water level inside the skimmer, if that can't be accomplished by adjusting the pump's flow. Either way, it's one more way to control flow/water level & not that difficult to add. This is one of the mods I did on my own skimmer. A slip union on the same line is also a useful mod. It allows you to adjust the height of the return plumbing, which in turn adds control to the water level inside the skimmer by adding or taking away a bit of head pressure.

Here's a photo, might help with some ideas. Note the collection cup drain tube, slip union & ball valve on the return line. Ignore the air pump, air tubing & air stone stuff (unless you fancy converting yours to something similar):

My skimmer is fed from a small powerhead in a box in the display. All it does is provide flow. An air pump makes the bubbles thru wooden air diffusers. It's very quiet & uses little power.
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