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Old 07-18-2013, 05:23 AM
geweagle geweagle is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 32
geweagle is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the ideas. I have not even open the pump. I did not put anything in, but I will check. i do not even know what brand this is. Do you reconize it? Then I could get more direct info on it. As to other parameters in the tank, not got much. Have not added anything to the tank when the problem started. I did top up the water some. Thought that might be it. Raise the water level about 1 " added 5 gal. After the problem started I thought thta might have been it so i lower the water back to before, but it did not help much. maybe a little. After the problem as a treatment for the PO4 I have started a little hangon biofilter with Xport-PO4 to try to drop the phosphate. seems to be working. Down to 0.75ppm, a 0.25 drop in the last day. Also thought maybe the high PO4 was making more foam in the skimmer.

I have thought of a sump system but the tank is not drilled. and I would have to setup a sump etc. A lot of work at this point. Wife is already concerned how much I have spent
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