Originally Posted by lastlight
Four years! Blows my mind man... I'm hoping to follow in your tiny footprints! Pics are bangin' like always. I'm loving the monti collection they all look fab. I forgot all about the superman. I used to have a branching one and it grew nutty fast. Wonder why it's not for sale all over the place.
Originally Posted by Rice Reef
Awesome pics as always! Sorry that you lost some corals but the tank looks like it is making a nice comeback!
Thanks guys! Ya, I used to have both the Superman encrusting monti and branching digi. Sadly I've lost both and am trying to source out replacements. Funny thing is, I do have a superman monti that I got from a local reefer, but its growing is very odd. It encrusts but you can hardly see its polyps at all. They are either constantly retracted, like ALWAYS retract, or their polyps are naturally really small. Like, grain of sugar sand small.