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Old 07-15-2013, 01:16 PM
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daplatapus daplatapus is offline
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Location: Port Alberni, B.C.
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daplatapus is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by dee105 View Post
Hey Dom.. Are your pumps making the same noise that mine are? We have all been sleeping with fans to dull the noise out. It is that loud.. Also what settings do you have them on for the waves.. I don't know if it is just the shape of my tank, but I'm not getting any waves at all..

And Yayy for no busted out tank in the garage..
Ya, they are. But I've talked a few people about that and they are supposed to quieten down after a week or two. Thankfully mine are in the garage
I've been playing around with them a bit and I get really good waves on W1 and the wave duration knob turned to about setting 4-6. You might have to play with yours. But be careful! These little pumps are strong. Won't take much to cause a tsunami in your tank, lol. Keep the strength setting at S3.

Originally Posted by Leah View Post
....but it is still only in the garage..I was all excited for nothin.
Haha, It's coming, it's coming. I'll be bringing it in the house this weekend. But I still have a bunch of work to do on it before it gets salty. I want to build a foam rock wall to cover about 75% of the left side where the overflow is and create a 1/2 pillar kind of thing about 2/3 of the way down the back. I'll also be painting the back glass, drilling the drains, plumbing to the sump. Still haven't decided if it's cheaper to drive over to J&L and grab my sand and some dry rock for the rock wall or have them ship everything over.
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