Hey, I'm moving out of Vancouver for a few years. Can no longer look after this cool looking tank .
I have had this tank for over 3 years, runs perfectly like any other tank but does it in style . It Is also
drilled 3 times at the back (
Please refer to pictures)
I will be selling it along with all its contents:
1 "New Wave" 24" T5 High Output Flourescent Fixture by Sunlight Supply Inc - Includes (4) 24Watt Powerchrome bulbs.
1 Eheim Jager 50W heater
1 Aquaclear 20 filter
1 Driftwood (WYSIWYG)
1 Rock (WYSIWYG)
Gravel Substrate (WYSIWYG) specifically for plants but I forgot name
6 Whitecloud Minnows
~3+ Red Cherry Shrimp
Mini Anubias
Mini Java Fern
There is a crack in the back of the tank but it is repaired by Acrylic that is glued tightly onto the glass. RUNNING FOR OVER 3 YEARS AND IT DOES
Just plug and play! Feel free to ask any questions. Shoot me a PM if interested. $200 OBO.