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Old 07-12-2013, 03:55 AM
Bryan_k47 Bryan_k47 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 57
Bryan_k47 is on a distinguished road
Default FS: Zoas, Palys, Etc Edm

Just fragged up some Zoas
Kedd Red's 8-10 head frags $15
Pink Orchids 5-7 head frags $10
Rastas $25 per head (frags have 2-3 heads on them)
Fruitloops 4 head frags $25 each
Very Bright orange Zoas different sized pieces $10-15

Along with a bunch of other stuff
frogspawn and hammer available $5 per head
Mushrooms $5 each
Mixed rocks with Palys/Zoas $10 each LOTS of heads, need to make room
Large Rock with mix of Radioactive Dragon Eyes, Watermelons and other zoas $40
2-3 Lb piece of live rock(sortof antler shaped) has a colony of Palys on it $15
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