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Old 07-10-2013, 03:29 AM
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daplatapus daplatapus is offline
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Location: Port Alberni, B.C.
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daplatapus is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by b09u5 View Post
Those plywood squares are simple genius! I am new to this, so I am not sure if they are common or not, but I would have never thought them up.

The build is looking great.... I am looking forward to seeing the rest! Thanks for sharing.
Haha, thanks. But in all honesty, it took me an hour of looking around my shop and basement wracking my brains how I was going to keep this stuff square. I had one small square and I was thinking, if only I had 3 more, lol. Then it hit me to make my own. It did take me a couple tries to get my saw perfectly square though. I was too lazy to set up my good one from my work trailer so I was using my old DeWalt compound.

Originally Posted by Skimmer King View Post
looking really good. well done
Thanks, man. I've got the eurobrace done as well now but have no photo's yet. I'm trying to get a hold of a couple guys now to haul this thing out to my shop so I can stand it on end and silicone the overflow box onto the left side. Then I'll set it up in the garage and fill 'er up and hopefully she won't blow
But if she does, there a lot less explaining to do if it goes out there than if it's in my living room.
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