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Old 07-10-2013, 01:49 AM
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Originally Posted by canadianbudz604 View Post
I've been trying to pick the ****in tank up since Friday but some %$#@ cut in line and offered this guy money. If you wanted money for it put it up for sale. First In line don't mean ****. Nothing is free I shoulda known better.
Calm down, why so angry?

It's just an old fish tank... no need for that kind of language or ranting in public.

Nobody died, nobody got hurt and nobody lost anything.

Nobody asked you to wait around the whole weekend.

In fact I told you that I was giving somebody else the weekend to come & pick it up but in the end they couldn't.

Big deal... I'll move onto the next person who can drop by to pick it up.

Look, it's a free tank... yeah, I could sell it, but I thought I'd be nice and let somebody have something for nothing.

If that means people pick it up at MY convenience or if somebody wanted to offer cash for it and I decide to take the cash, that's my decision to make, not yours.

Anyway, like I said, 1st person who commits to picking it up gets the tank setup or else I'll just smash it up & trash the thing.



Last edited by christyf5; 07-10-2013 at 02:31 AM. Reason: no need for the link