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Old 07-06-2004, 07:18 PM
lindsayf lindsayf is offline
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Location: Port Coquitlam, BC
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Default I finally got fish!

I've had my 55 gallon FOWLR cycling since the middle of April (have been researching since december) and I finally got a pair of false perc's on Saturday. They are so cute and seem to be really healthy and active.

So now I'm excited to continue stocking (slowly) and need your help.

First my equipment:
55 gallon with 10gal sump
Aqua C skimmer
20lbs of LR and 20lbs of base rock
100lbs of LS
NO lights
temp: 84
nitrite: 0 / ammonia: 0 / nitrate: 0-5.

My Stocking List so far:
clowns (2) - already have
6 hermits - already have
9 astrea snails - already have

What I want:
blue strip neon goby - 1
coral beauty or flame angel - 1
Fire fish goby (red or purple) - 1 or 2
Green chromis - 3
Royal Gramma - 1
yellow clown goby - 1

Is this too much and what order should I add them in. I'm still not sure about the chromis as it seems to be so hit and miss with them if they kill each other.

Thanks for reading my long post and for all your help.

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