Well it has been a few months so how about an update and some more pictures.
The tank transfer was just a disaster most of my coral sucked up and fizzled away and now almost 3 months later the corals are just starting to open back and colour up. What a long road this has been.
I upgraded my skimmer and added a Dual Media Reactor which I scored of Kijiji for a great price.
Running a SWC Xtreme 160 Cone Protein Skimmer and I have to say WOW. Before I only been using the hang on back remora skimmers for my old tank but after using this SWC I can see the difference in the nasty paste im pulling out now.
Skimmer found here.
Been running GFO and Carbon (BRS media reactor and media), never really run any sort of media before but I did notice the big difference it made within only a day of running it so I am sold on running this for the life of the tank.
New stock list
~Blue Tang
~False Perc
~6 Line Wrasse
~Banggai Cardinal
~Yellow Tail Damsel
~Yellow Tang
~Yellow Eyed Kole Tang
~Coral Beauty
~2 emerald crabs
~20 hermits
~10 Astraea Snails
~5 Cerith Snail
~3 Nassarius Snail
~2 Cleaner Shrimp
~GBTA (aprox 5 of the them 2" big each)
~Maxi Mini Carpet Nem
~4 Devils Hand Frags
~Pom Pom Xenia (Fizzed up but is coming back)
~Colt Coral
~2 blue/green zoa frags
~Orange Zoa
~Light blue/brown zoa
~Green button polpys
~Large Purple Acan Frag
~small red acan
~3 frogspawn frags
~red mushrooms
~4 Misc SPS frags (testers)
My frogspawn "died" when I transferred tanks, but I left the body in the tank just as a piece of Live rock. Well a few heads broke off the main body and I thought nothing of it. Until about a week ago when i noticed the main colony had a head on it. So I looked at the few heads that broke off and I now have 3 different frogspawn frags starting to grow. One head already has some pretty big heads on it and the other 2 are showing signs of 5 heads each. Once they start to grow more i will try and mount them on plugs. I cant believe that my favorite coral is making a come back when I thought for sure it was a lost cause.
Now time for pictures! (Sorry iphone quality...)
Zoa Garden
More Zoas
More Zoas
Large Acans
Red Acans
Colt Coral
Not so Dead Frogspawn
FTS July (White LED's Only)