I have to go to work wednesday so everything is first come first serve here is a list of what is left
Ocellaris Clownfish $20 for the pair
Mimic Tang $50
Royal Gramma $10
Fire Fish $10
Purple Fire Fish $15
X2 Banggai Cardinal $15 each
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp X2 $35 for the pair they are best friends
narcissus snail X10
Turban Snail X1
Blue Legged hermit X6
Left handed Hermit X3
Six spot sand sifting goby $15
Purple Birds nest frag $5
Bonsai coral frag $10
acropora millepora Frag $5
Seriatopora caliendrum $5 a frag I have 3
Acropora nana, $10 a frag the colony is encrusted on a rock
montipora capricornis its encrusted on a rock as well
Pulsing Xenia $5
10 heads frog spawn $5 a head
Purple Hammer coral $10
neon green toadstool $10
Kenya tree $5 a frag
130 Pounds of rock was hoping for $400 with all the coral thats on it
here is a picture of the mimic tang since there hasn't been any interest on him